
"I belong to someone who combines the old ways with the new."

The Last Samurai is the kind of story we dont see much these days but is a story that we can all learn lessons from. The attitude towards leadership is pretty awesome- it comes from a character who is successful but clearly unfulfilled.

What's most unusual is the attitude toward war shown in this film. It doesn't glorify it, but it does distinguish between fighting with honour (the old Samurai way) and fighting for greed and cowardice. The WOW message from the film was the message inscribed on the sword given to Tom Cruise's character, Algren:

"I belong to someone who combines the old ways with the new."

The essence of the film is to do with finding the right path. Tortured Algren comes to fight against the Samurai, who are standing in the way of democracy and progress. He discovers true peace and in return, without really intending to, shows the Samurai leader that while a man may not be able to change his own destiny, he can sure try.

An excellent well made movie which has many lessons to teach us. Can you think of any others?

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